“Drone making and piloting/flying.”

  • 27 April, 2023

In a significant stride towards fostering innovation and hands-on learning, CLG Institute of Engineering & Technology recently conducted a series of workshops on Drone Making and Piloting. The events, held on 27/04/2023, garnered enthusiastic participation from students, faculty, and technology enthusiasts alike.

Key Highlights:

  1. Hands-On Drone Assembly: Participants were engaged in the intricate process of assembling their own drones, from understanding the various components to configuring the flight controllers. The workshop aimed at providing practical insights into drone technology and its applications.

  2. Expert-Led Training Sessions: Renowned experts and industry professionals led the training sessions, sharing their expertise on the latest advancements in drone technology, flight dynamics, and the integration of sensors and communication systems.

  3. Flight Training and Competitions: The highlight of the workshop was the hands-on flight training sessions, where participants learned essential piloting skills. A friendly drone flying competition added an element of excitement, showcasing the piloting prowess of the participants.

  4. Focus on Safety and Regulations: Recognizing the importance of responsible drone usage, the workshop included sessions on safety precautions, airspace regulations, and ethical considerations when piloting drones.

  5. Networking Opportunities: The event provided a platform for participants to network with professionals in the drone industry, opening up avenues for internships, collaborations, and future career opportunities.

  6. Showcasing Innovations: Participants had the chance to showcase their drone projects, fostering an environment of innovation and creativity. This platform encouraged students to think beyond the workshop and explore further applications of drone technology.